Thoughts Beyond the Pale
Is dead!...
I know... You followed this link to see about my blog, only to see that it's been murdered and buried.
I'm maintaining my Medium account for now, so if there was an interest in my writings, my hope is that you will look me up on Medium and explore Medium for yourself. It's a great space for writers to post and get feedback.
As for my blog... I just couldn't do it all my friends. I tried, but I had to pull back. Moreover, I found that I've moved on from the person I was when I started the site. Mostly, however, it wasn't proving valuable to me anymore and it was so very easy to delete the whole thing. Just let it go. Like going through your closet and seeing a sweater that you remember every moment of, but that you also know you haven't worn in 5 years. It's gotta go!
I still think it's nice to have this little spot on my website as a memorial for my past blog site. It officially ended at around 8:50am on July 13th, 2024. I believe I started the site in 2015 ( July 19th to be exact). 9 years. Almost a decade of hosting this space and paying good money to do so.
I want to thank anyone who came here to know more about me. There's still a multitude of ways to do so. I still love the ideas of "beyondthepaletattoo" and "thoughtsbeyondthepale"... but those aren't mine anymore. They are open for all of you to claim; As they should be.
I started writing a blog because I think a lot; Too much at times. I also started one so that I could practice being seen.
As an artist, being seen and learning how to see is so essential. We learn that all things are determined by perspective. To grow, it's important to move, look again and again and get uncomfortable sometimes. Critique is vital and it expands perception (lest we end up in an echo chamber of our own making; Whilst that can be a comfy cage, it's still a cage all the same.)
Along with blogging, I also started to share my time nude modeling. Again, I don't
share my body to be gratuitous, but rather to exemplify my willingness to be seen.
I like being able to look and honor what I have, regardless of societal standards and
just be. Within modeling, I've played with many forms of expression, some "sexier"
then others. "Sexy" is not typically my goal, but as I think it's a common goal, it's
worth exploring. My favorite photos are playful and have a rawness about them. I
like collaborating with many kinds of artist and since I'm not the best photographer,
being the subject seemed the next best thing to taking the photo. So many
photographers need willing subjects. I should know because without people who
want tattoos, I wouldn't have a career.
(all of this is still relevant despite the death of my blog) To work with Xavier, click here.
Check Out my Writings on Medium
I'm always wanting to grow and expand my artistic expressions. Writing isn't a big strength of mine and I genuinely want to be better at it. If you have notes about my writing, please comment on my Medium Account.
~Thank you~